A CSV report of user associations (Groups and Systems). This script will generate a “Report-UserToGroupAssociation.csv” file relative to the location this script is saved and ran.
Basic Usage:
- Install the JumpCloud PowerShell Module
- Save the contents of the script example to a file on a system.
- EX: ~/Report-Users_Bound_To_Groups.ps1
- In a PowerShell terminal window run:
- Follow prompts to enter your API Key & OrgID
Script Example:
# Get everyone from a group
$users = Get-JcSdkUser
# Initialize an empty list
$list = @()
# For each user
foreach ($user in $users)
$userDetails = Get-jcsdkUser -Id $
# Get System Associations
$systemAssociations = Get-JcSdkUserTraverseSystem -UserId $user.Id
# Get Group Associations
$groupAssociations = Get-JcSdkUserMember -UserId $user.Id
# Clear variables
$foundSystem = ""
$foundGroup = ""
# For each system association
foreach ($systemAssociation in $systemAssociations)
$foundSystem += $systemAssociation.Id + ';'
# For each group association
foreach ($groupAssociation in $groupAssociations)
$foundGroup += $groupAssociation.Id + ';'
# populate the rows
$list += [PSCustomObject]@{
userID = $user.Id;
username = $userDetails.Username;
userState = $userDetails.State
associatedSystems = $foundSystem
associatedGroups = $foundGroup
# Write out the report
$list | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File Report-UserToGroupAssociation.csv