Rename Local Username From CSV
Local user accounts in MacOS & Windows can be renamed with a remote automation. The requirements for these operating systems differ but the workflow detailed below is generally the same between the two.
This page collection features script examples and automated solutions using the JumpCloud Api. In general these examples are written using the JumpCloud PowerShell Module and SDKs. These examples are published with the intent to inspire administrators to automate their own solutions.
In several script examples make use of both the JumpCloud PowerShell Module and it's SDKs.
The JumpCloud PowerShell Module is a collection of functions written to help administrators automate actions within their JumpCloud organizations. This module contains custom functions outside the scope of the API. Several functions have been modified to accept things like Name values instead of Ids.
The JumpCloud PowerShell SDKs are an automatically generated and verbose interpretation of the JumpCloud Api. Pagination is built into these functions but core functionality of a given function is dictated by the Api. The latest version of these SDK modules are installed whenever the JumpCloud PowerShell Module is installed or updated to a new version.
Local user accounts in MacOS & Windows can be renamed with a remote automation. The requirements for these operating systems differ but the workflow detailed below is generally the same between the two.
If you’ve needed to deploy a number of fonts to Windows or MacOS systems, you’ve likely been frustrated with the numerous solutions online. Using JumpCloud commands and an accessible storage location like AWS S3, this task can be accomplished with relatively few lines of code.
This script generates a CSV report of all commands and their associations to systems and system groups.
On multiple occasions, the ability for JumpCloud to deploy WiFi network profiles via policies has been requested. Once JumpCloud supports user level profiling via policies, that feature request should be feasible. In the interim period, this blog post will detail how to copy a network profile from an existing system and deploy it to others via JumpCloud Commands. This example only demonstrates how to export and apply a plaintext password profile. This solution may not meet every use case. Please submit a feature request if this solution does not meet immediate needs
This script will create a CSV report based on the given PolicyId. The script prompts the user to enter the PolicyId and the folder directory it intends to save the CSV file.