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If you’ve needed to deploy a number of fonts to Windows or MacOS systems, you’ve likely been frustrated with the numerous solutions online. Using JumpCloud commands and an accessible storage location like AWS S3, this task can be accomplished with relatively few lines of code.

Basic Usage

  • Copy all your fonts to a zipped directory and store the zipped directory in AWS S3
    • Copy the object URL for use in the Windows/ Mac script
  • Create A Windows/ Mac Command in JumpCloud
  • Copy the contents of the Windows/ Mac command to the command body in JumpCloud
    • Replace the url variable in either script with the Object URL from the S3 object.
  • Scope the command to systems and run the script
  • The fonts from the zipped directory will be downloaded to the selected systems and installed.

Detailed Instructions

  1. Copy Fonts to a zipped directory. In this example I’m using the Google Font: Roboto.

    Zip Files

  2. Upload the .zip File to AWS S3 & copy the Object URL

    Zip Files

  3. Create Command in JumpCloud. Replace URL with Object URL from S3

    Zip Files

  4. Run command on systems, the font will be installed on systems. In this mac example, fonts are installed to /Library/Fonts

    Zip Files


MacOS Script:


# download files
curl -o "/tmp/" $url
# unzip fils to temp location
unzip -o /tmp/ -d /tmp/fonts
# copy files to System Fonts Directory
cp /tmp/fonts/* /Library/Fonts/

Windows PowerShell Script:

# Set the URL
$url = "yourPublicURLHere"

# Font Paths
$fontsPath = "C:\Windows\Temp\Fonts"
$systemFontsPath = "C:\Windows\Fonts"
# Create temp Dir
$fontsPathCheck = Test-Path -Path $fontsPath
If (!($fontsPathCheck)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory $fontsPath -Force
# Download the Font to a Temp Location in C:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile "C:\Windows\Temp\"
# Unzip
Expand-Archive "C:\Windows\Temp\" -DestinationPath "C:\Windows\Temp\Fonts" -Force
# Get the Fonts in Temp Dir
# Ignore Hidden Files from MACOS compressed Dirs
$Fonts = Get-ChildItem $fontsPath -Include '*.ttf', '*.ttc', '*.otf' -Recurse -Attributes !H -Exclude "._*"

foreach ($Font in $Fonts) {
    # Font Vars
    $FontFileName = $Font.Name
    $FontFilePath = $Font.FullName

    $targetPath = Join-Path $systemFontsPath $FontFileName
    if (Test-Path -Path $targetPath) {
        $FontFileName + " already installed"
    } else {
        "Installing font " + $FontFileName
        # Get Font Type
        $fontType = ($fontFile -split "\.")[-1]
        # Set Name w/o dash
        $FontName = $($FontFileName.replace('-', ' ')).replace(".$fontType", '')
        if ($fontType -eq "ttf"){
            $RegFontName = "$($FontName) (TrueType)"
        elseif ($fontFile -eq "otf"){
            $RegFontName = "$($FontName) (OpenType)"
        else {
            $RegFontName = "$($FontName) (TrueType)"
        Write-Host "Setting Reg Item Name: $RegFontName Value: $($FontFileName)"
        Write-Host "Copying Font: $($FontFilePath) destination: $($systemFontsPath)"

        # Set Registry Item
        New-ItemProperty -Name $RegFontName -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" -PropertyType string -Value $FontFileName -Force | out-null
        # Copy Font
        Copy-item $FontFilePath -Destination $systemFontsPath
[ mac  windows  commands  fonts  ]