The purpose of this python script is to gather the assigned Directories (GSuite/Office 365), Systems and Groups for your JumpCloud users. The script will generate a CSV file containing the following fields that will allow the admin to sort/search based upon their needs:
'userId', 'username', 'groupMemberships', 'systemDisplayNames', 'systemHostnames', 'systemIds', 'directoryAssociation'
Basic Usage
- Install the JumpCloud Python SDK
- Python3 must be installed
- On line 15 of the script, please enter your organization’s API key within the “”
Additional Information
- Run the script from your desired directory
- The discovery.csv will be located in the directory the script was executed from
from jcapiv2.configuration import Configuration
from jcapiv1.configuration import Configuration
import logging, sys
import jcapiv2
import jcapiv1
from import ApiException
from import ApiException as ApiExpectionV1
import csv
import itertools
# Change level to "logging.DEBUG" to output debug messages
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
API_KEY = "<api_key>"
CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json"
ACCEPT = "application/json"
# Set up the configuration object with your API key for authorization
CONFIGURATION_V1 = jcapiv1.Configuration()
CONFIGURATION_V2 = jcapiv2.Configuration()
CONFIGURATION_V1.api_key['x-api-key'] = API_KEY
CONFIGURATION_V2.api_key['x-api-key'] = API_KEY
API_SYSTEM_INSTANCE = jcapiv1.SystemsApi(jcapiv1.ApiClient(CONFIGURATION_V1))
API_SYSTEMUSERS_INSTANCE = jcapiv1.SystemusersApi(jcapiv1.ApiClient(CONFIGURATION_V1))
API_USERS_INSTANCE = jcapiv2.UsersApi(jcapiv2.ApiClient(CONFIGURATION_V2))
API_USERGROUP_INSTANCE = jcapiv2.UserGroupsApi(jcapiv2.ApiClient(CONFIGURATION_V2))
API_GRAPH_INSTANCE = jcapiv2.GraphApi(jcapiv2.ApiClient(CONFIGURATION_V2))
def extract(lst):
"""Extract id and username from list 'lst'"""
return [{"id":, "username": item.username} for item in lst]
def get_jc_users():
"""Get all JC Users"""
interval = 100
limit = interval
skip = 0
get_users = True
users = []
while get_users:
users_list = API_SYSTEMUSERS_INSTANCE.systemusers_list(CONTENT_TYPE, ACCEPT, limit=limit, skip=skip)
users += users_list.results
skip += interval
if (len(users_list.results) != interval):
get_users = False
return users
except ApiException as e:
logging.debug("Exception when calling SystemusersApi->systemusers_list: %s\n" % e)
def get_jc_user_traverse_directory(user_id):
response = API_GRAPH_INSTANCE.graph_user_traverse_directory(user_id, CONTENT_TYPE, ACCEPT)
return response
except ApiException as err:
logging.debug("Exception when calling GraphApi->graph_user_traverse_directory: %s\n" % e)
def get_jc_user_member_of(user_id):
response = API_GRAPH_INSTANCE.graph_user_member_of(user_id, CONTENT_TYPE, ACCEPT)
return response
except ApiException as e:
logging.debug("Exception when calling GraphApi->graph_user_member_of: %s\n" % e)
def get_jc_user_group(group_id):
response = API_USERGROUP_INSTANCE.groups_user_get(group_id, CONTENT_TYPE, ACCEPT)
return response
except ApiException as e:
logging.debug("Exception when calling UserGroupsApi->groups_user_get: %s\n" % e)
def get_jc_user_system_associations(user_id):
response = API_USERS_INSTANCE.graph_user_traverse_system(user_id, CONTENT_TYPE, ACCEPT, limit=100)
return response
except ApiException as e:
logging.debug("Exception when calling UsersApi->graph_user_traverse_system: %s\n" % e)
def get_jc_system(system_id):
response = API_SYSTEM_INSTANCE.systems_get(system_id, CONTENT_TYPE, ACCEPT)
return response
except ApiException as e:
logging.debug("Exception when calling SystemsApi->systems_get: %s\n" % e)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get List of all users
users = get_jc_users()
# Extract only the user's ID and username
users = extract(users)
# Set empty dict variable to hold final data
finalUserInfo = {}
# initiate an index for the above dict
index = 0
# total users
totalUsers = len(users)
# Loop through all users
for user in users:
logging.debug(f"Gathering user information [{index + 1} of {totalUsers}]...")
# Set empty list variables to hold data
userDirectoryAssociations = []
userGroupMembership = []
# Set the initial index to an empty dict
finalUserInfo[index] = {}
# Get the User's directory associations
userDirectoryAssociation = get_jc_user_traverse_directory(user['id'])
# Get the User's group memberships
userGroupMembership = get_jc_user_member_of(user['id'])
# Get the User's system associations
userSystemAssociations = get_jc_user_system_associations(user['id'])
# Start creating the user's dict
finalUserInfo[index]['userId'] = user['id']
finalUserInfo[index]['username'] = user['username']
finalUserInfo[index]['groupMemberships'] = ""
finalUserInfo[index]['systemIds'] = ""
finalUserInfo[index]['systemHostnames'] = ""
finalUserInfo[index]['systemDisplayNames'] = ""
finalUserInfo[index]['directoryAssociation'] = userDirectoryAssociation
# Loop through any system associations and return the system's ids, hostnames and displaynames
for system in userSystemAssociations:
systemInfo = get_jc_system(
finalUserInfo[index]['systemIds'] += + ";"
finalUserInfo[index]['systemHostnames'] += systemInfo.hostname + ";"
finalUserInfo[index]['systemDisplayNames'] += systemInfo.display_name + ";"
# Loop through any memberships that the user has and return the Group's name instead of ID
for group in userGroupMembership:
groupInfo = get_jc_user_group(
finalUserInfo[index]['groupMemberships'] += + ";"
# Increment the index
index += 1
logging.debug('Generating CSV file...')
# Generate the CSV
with open('discovery.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
fields = ['no', 'userId', 'username', 'groupMemberships', 'systemDisplayNames', 'systemHostnames', 'systemIds', 'directoryAssociation']
w = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fields)
for key,val in finalUserInfo.items():
row = {'no': key}
logging.debug('CSV file generated...')