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A CSV report of systems and their user associations (inactive and active). This script will generate a “Report-SystemToUserAssociation.csv” file relative to the location this script is saved and ran.

Basic Usage:

  • Install the JumpCloud PowerShell Module
  • Save the contents of the script example to a file on a system.
    • EX: ~/Report-Systems_To_User_Associations.ps1
  • Edit the the Global Configuration - Start section with your APIKey, report file name, and user associations
  • In a PowerShell terminal window run:
    • ~/Report-Systems_To_User_Associations.ps1
    • After a succesful run, the report CSV file will be saved in the current working directory

Additional Information

Note: This script was updated 02/14/2023. The update included additional system information.

This script will post a warning message when it finds an inactive user.

Expected Output

A table should be generated for systems and their associated users. If inactive users are bound to the system they’ll appear in the inactiveUser column.

systemID systemHostname systemDisplayname systemSerialNumber systemVendor systemModel systemCpuBrand systemCpuType systemDiskSizeGB systemPhysicalMemGB systemLastContact systemCreated uptimeHours activeUser inactiveUser systemJumpCloudDetails
63923eb5664f0d6d7ec123e2 KENMARANION8C95 KENMARANION8C95 564d7c09a935b5e5b340e9c5fd329e7d VMware, Inc. VMware7,1 AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor x86_64 256 6 12/12/2022 6:35:09 PM 12/8/2022 7:44:53 PM 5.53 testUser3;testUser2; testUser1;

Script Example:

###################### Global Configuration - Start ######################
$jc_api_key = 'YOURAPIKEY'
$report_file_name_prefix = 'Report-Systems_To_User_Associations'
$user_association = $false
####################### Global Configuration - End #######################

################ DO NOT CHANGE ANY LINES BELOW THIS LINE! ################

##### START OF SCRIPT #####

## Connect to JumpCloud
Connect-JCOnline -JumpCloudApiKey $jc_api_key -Force
$timestamp_utc = $(((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"))
$report_file_name = ($report_file_name_prefix + '-' + $timestamp_utc)
$result = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]
$count = 0
$timer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

## Get All Systems
$systems = Get-JcSdkSystem

## Interate on Systems and Enrich with System Insights and User Association
foreach ($system in $systems)
    Write-Progress -Activity ("Procesing system '" + $system.DisplayName + "'") -Status ("$count complete out of " + $systems.count) -PercentComplete ($count/$systems.Count*100)

    # Initialize an enriched system item
    $es = New-Object PSCustomObject
    ## Enrich system data with System Insights
    $uptimeInisights = Get-JcSystemInsights -SystemID $system.Id -Table Uptime
    if ($($uptimeInisights.TotalSeconds))
        $uptimeHours = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds $($uptimeInisights.TotalSeconds)).TotalHours
    $systemInfoInsights = Get-JcSystemInsights -SystemID $system.Id -Table SystemInfo
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemID' -Value $system.Id -Force
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemHostname' -Value $system.Hostname -Force
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemDisplayname' -Value $system.DisplayName -Force
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemSerialNumber' -Value $systemInfoInsights.HardwareSerial -Force
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemVendor' -Value $systemInfoInsights.HardwareVendor -Force
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemModel' -Value $systemInfoInsights.HardwareModel -Force
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemCpuBrand' -Value $systemInfoInsights.CpuBrand -Force
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemCpuType' -Value $systemInfoInsights.CpuType -Force

    ## Calculate Disk Storage
        ## For Windows
        $systemDiskInsights = Get-JcSystemInsights -SystemID $system.Id -Table DiskInfo
        if ( $null -ne $systemDiskInsights )
            $systemDiskSizeGB = [math]::Round($systemDiskInsights.DiskSize/1GB)
            # For macOS and Linux we use Mounts
            $SystemMountInsights = Get-JcSystemInsights -SystemID $system.Id -Table Mount
            $maxMount = ($SystemMountInsights | Select-Object @{label = "intBlocks"; expression = { [int]$_.Blocks } },@{label = "intBlocksSize"; expression = { [int]$_.BlocksSize } } | Sort-Object intBlocks -Descending)[0]
            $systemDiskSizeGB = [math]::Round(($maxMount.intBlocks*$maxMount.intBlocksSize)/1GB)
        $systemDiskSizeGB = 0
        $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemDiskSizeGB' -Value $systemDiskSizeGB -Force

    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemPhysicalMemGB' -Value ([math]::Round($systemInfoInsights.PhysicalMemory/1GB)) -Force        
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemLastContact' -Value $system.LastContact -Force
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemCreated' -Value $system.Created -Force
    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'uptimeHours' -Value ([math]::Round($uptimeHours,2)) -Force
    ## Enrich System data with user association
    if ( $user_association )
        $associations = Get-JcSdkSystemTraverseUser -SystemID $system.Id
        $activeUser = ""
        $inactiveUser = ""
        foreach ($association in $associations)
            $foundUser = Get-JcSdkUser -Id $association.Id
            if ($foundUser.State -eq "ACTIVATED") {
                $activeUser += $foundUser.Username + ';'
            else {
                Write-Warning "$($foundUser.Username) is not activated"
                $inactiveUser += $foundUser.Username + ';'

        $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'activeUser' -Value $activeUser -Force
        $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'inactiveUser' -Value $inactiveUser -Force

    $es | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'systemJumpCloudDetails' -Value ("$($system.Id)/details") -Force
    # Add Enriched System to Result

    # Appending Enriched System to CSV Output
    $es | Export-Csv -Path ($report_file_name + '.csv') -NoTypeInformation -Append
Write-Progress -Activity ("Procesing system '" + $system.DisplayName + "'") -Status ("$count complete out of " + $systems.count) -PercentComplete ($count/$systems.Count*100) -Completed

Write-Output ("`n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
Write-Output ("Device Basic Information Report for UTC timestamp: " + $timestamp_utc)
Write-Output ("* Number of Systems: " + $result.Count)

## Print where CSV of results is located
Write-Output ("* CSV Report File Name: " + "'" + $report_file_name + ".csv" + "'")

if ( [math]::Round($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) -lt 60 )
    Write-Output ("* Total Runtime: " + [math]::Round($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,2) + " seconds")
    Write-Output ("* Total Runtime: " + [math]::Round($timer.Elapsed.TotalMinutes,2) + " minutes")
Write-Output ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------`n")
Write-Output ("`nDone.`n")
##### END OF SCRIPT #####
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