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This script will create two device groups: MacOS-MDM-Pending & MacOS-MDM-Approved. It can be run multiple times to update the membership of the two system groups. If systems are waiting on MDM user approval they will be added to the MacOS-MDM-Pending group. Systems enrolled in JumpCloud MDM and user approved are added to the MacOS-MDM-Approved group.

Basic Usage

  • The PowerShell Module is required to run this script
  • Save the script to a location
  • Run Connect-JCOnline before executing this script
  • In a PowerShell terminal window, run the script ~/Path/To/Scrpt/filename.ps1

Additional Information

This script will create two system groups (if they do not already exist). (Optionally) Modify The $mdmApproved & $mdmPending variables to change the two system group names the script will create/update. It can be run multiple times to add new systems to groups.

Expected Output

The terminal window in which this script is run should display systemsNames, SystemGroups and the UserApprovedMDM status in a table like the example below:

SystemName SystemGroup UserApprovedMDM
mdm-system MacOS-MDM-Approved true
defaultadmins-MacBook-Air MacOS-MDM-Approved true
Farmer367-MacBook-Air MacOS-MDM-Approved true
TamirD-ISR-PRO-Mac MacOS-MDM-Approved true
Farmer345-MacBook MacOS-MDM-Approved true
Farmer345-MacBookPro MacOS-MDM-Pending false
BobFays-BigSur-VM MacOS-MDM-Pending false
mdm-testing MacOS-MDM-Pending false
Farmer121-MacBookPro MacOS-MDM-Pending false


# This script requires the JumpCloud PowerShell Module to run. Specifically, the
# JumpCloud PowerShell SDK Modules are required to run the system queries. To
# install the PowerShell Modules, enter the following line in a PWSH terminal:
# Install-Module JumpCloud
# This script will search for systems and add them to system groups if they are
# not currently members of that group. It is intended to group systems by MDM
# enrollment status.
# This script can be run multiple times. As systems are added to JumpCloud, they
# will then be added to the defined system groups.
# Get all mac systems
$allMacSystems = Get-JCSystem | Where-Object { $_.osFamily -eq "darwin" }
# system groups
$mdmApproved = "MacOS-MDM-Approved"
$mdmPending = "MacOS-MDM-Pending"
# IF the group names do not exist, create them...
if (-Not (Get-JCGroup -Type System -Name $mdmApproved)){
    New-JcSdkSystemGroup -name $mdmApproved
if (-Not (Get-JCGroup -Type System -Name $mdmPending)) {
    New-JcSdkSystemGroup -name $mdmPending
# Get id of the two system groups
$mdmApprovedId = Get-JCGroup -Type System -Name $mdmApproved | select-object id
$mdmPendingId = Get-JCGroup -Type System -Name $mdmPending | select-object id
# Create an empty list to track the systems with User Approved MDM (UAMDM)
$userApprovedMdm = @()
# Get the ids of the systems already in the system groups
$userApprovedMdmSystems = Get-JCSystemGroupMember -GroupName $mdmApproved | select-object SystemID
$pendingMdmApprovalSystems = Get-JCSystemGroupMember -GroupName $mdmPending | select-object SystemID

# For each mac system:
$trackingList = @()
foreach ($system in $allMacSystems)
    # If that system is user approved and using JumpCloud MDM
    if ($system.mdm.userApproved -eq $True -and $system.mdm.vendor -eq "internal")
        if ($system._id -notin $userApprovedMdmSystems.SystemID) {
        # if system is not in the mdm approved group, add it
            Set-JcSdkSystemGroupMember -GroupId:$ -Op:add -Id:$system._id
            $TrackingList += [PSCustomObject]@{
                SystemName      = $($system.hostname)
                SystemGroup     = $mdmApproved
                UserApprovedMDM = $True
        else {
            # Else just track it
            $TrackingList += [PSCustomObject]@{
                SystemName      = $($system.hostname)
                SystemGroup     = $mdmApproved
                UserApprovedMDM = $True
        # If system is in the pending group, remove it from that group
        if ($system._id -in $pendingMdmApprovalSystems.SystemID) {
            Set-JcSdkSystemGroupMember -GroupId:$ -Op:remove -Id:$system._id
        # If the system is no user approved and using JumpCloud MDM
        if ( $system._id -notin $pendingMdmApprovalSystems.SystemID) {
            # if system is not in the mdm pending group, add it
            Set-JcSdkSystemGroupMember -GroupId:$ -Op:add -Id:$system._id
            $TrackingList += [PSCustomObject]@{
                SystemName      = $($system.hostname)
                SystemGroup     = $mdmPending
                UserApprovedMDM = $False
        else {
            # Else just track it
            $TrackingList += [PSCustomObject]@{
                SystemName      = $($system.hostname)
                SystemGroup     = $mdmPending
                UserApprovedMDM = $False
        # If the system is in the approved MDM group, but it shouldn't be, remove it
        if ( $system._id -in $userApprovedMdmSystems.SystemID) {
            Set-JcSdkSystemGroupMember -GroupId:$ -Op:remove -Id:$system._id
# Print Results
$trackingList | Sort-Object UserApprovedMDM -Descending | Format-Table | Out-Host
[ powershell  groups  mdm  ]